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Working With Anxious Thoughts And Predictions (Psychology Tools For Overcoming Panic)

Psychology Tools for Overcoming Panic takes a cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) approach to this common anxiety problem. This chapter introduces the technique of decatastrophizing as a way of working with anxious predictions in panic.

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Introduction & Theoretical Background

Psychology Tools for Overcoming Panic takes a cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) approach to this common anxiety problem. This chapter describes the role of catastrophic thinking in panic and introduces the technique of decatastrophizing as a way of working with anxious predictions in panic.

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Therapist Guidance

This is a Psychology Tools workbook chapter. Suggested uses include:

  • Client handout – use as a psychoeducation and skills-development resource
  • Discussion point – use to provoke a discussion and explore client beliefs
  • Therapist learning tool – improve your familiarity with a psychological construct
  • Teaching resource – use as a learning tool during training

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References And Further Reading

  • Barlow, D. H. (2004). Anxiety and its disorders: The nature and treatment of anxiety and panic. Guilford press.
  • Clark, D. M. (1986). A cognitive approach to panic. Behaviour research and therapy, 24(4), 461-470.
  • Clark, D. M. (1994). Cognitive therapy for panic disorder. American Psychiatric Association.

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