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Alternative Action Formulation

The Alternative Action Formulation is a CBT case conceptualization (formulation) worksheet. Formulations help a client and therapist come to a shared understanding of a problem. This tool encourages a focus on alternative (adaptive) behavior.

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Professional version

A PDF of the resource, theoretical background, suggested therapist questions and prompts.

Client version

A PDF of the resource plus client-friendly instructions where appropriate.

Fillable version (PDF)

A fillable version of the resource. This can be edited and saved in Adobe Acrobat, or other PDF editing software.

Editable version (PPT)

An editable Microsoft PowerPoint version of the resource.

Translation Template

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Languages this resource is available in

  • Afrikaans
  • Albanian
  • Arabic
  • Chinese (Simplified)
  • English (GB)
  • English (US)
  • French
  • German
  • Greek
  • Hebrew
  • Indonesian
  • Italian
  • Norwegian
  • Russian
  • Spanish (International)
  • Vietnamese

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Introduction & Theoretical Background

The Alternative Action Formulation is a CBT case conceptualization (formulation) worksheet. The purpose of a formulation is for the client and therapist to come to a shared understanding of a problem. This formulation template follows a Problem > Coping strategy > Unintended consequence format and is designed to encourage a focus on alternative (more adaptive) behavioral strategies.

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Therapist Guidance

Start by identifying the client's current difficulties and the strategies that they use to cope with these. The consequences of the current coping strategies are then explored (look out for short-term gains and long-term costs). Clients are then encouraged to consider alternate coping strategies.

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References And Further Reading

  • Eells, T. D. (Ed.). (2011). Handbook of psychotherapy case formulation. Guilford Press.
  • Johnstone, L., & Dallos, R. (2013). Formulation in psychology and psychotherapy: Making sense of people's problems. Routledge.
  • Kuyken, W., Padesky, C. A., & Dudley, R. (2008). Collaborative case conceptualization: Working effectively with clients in cognitive-behavioral therapy. Guilford Press.
  • Persons, J. B. (2012). The case formulation approach to cognitive-behavior therapy. Guilford Press.
  • Tarrier, N., & Johnson, J. (Eds.). (2015). Case formulation in cognitive behaviour therapy: The treatment of challenging and complex cases. Routledge.

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