
34 of 34 resources
Audio Collection: Psychology Tools For Developing Self-Compassion
Psychology Tools For Developing Self-Compassion is an audio collection which guides clients through an empirically-supported programme of compassionat ...
Unified Protocol for Transdiagnostic Treatment of Emotional Disorders (Second Edition): Client Workbook
The Unified Protocol for Transdiagnostic Treatment of Emotional Disorders (Second Edition) comes in two volumes. This page is for the Client Workbook. ...
Unified Protocol for Transdiagnostic Treatment of Emotional Disorders (Second Edition): Therapist Guide
The Unified Protocol for Transdiagnostic Treatment of Emotional Disorders (Second Edition) comes in two volumes. This page is for the Therapist Guide. ...
Prompts For Challenging Your Negative Thinking
Cognitive restructuring is an evidence-based intervention that involves identifying, evaluating, and modifying maladaptive cognitions, including negat ...
Motivational Systems (Emotional Regulation Systems)
At the heart of Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT) is an evolutionary model of human motivational systems. Developed by Paul Gilbert it is a helpful len ...
Survey – Testing Your Beliefs
Behavioral experiments are a key component of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and regarded as one of the most effective methods for bringing about ...
Compassionate Thought Challenging Record
Thought challenging records are commonly used in CBT to help people to evaluate their negative automatic thoughts for accuracy and bias. This Compassi ...
Overcoming Depression (Second Edition): Workbook
Overcoming Depression – A Cognitive Therapy Approach comes in two volumes. This page is for the Client Workbook. Click on the following link to acce ...
Examining Your Negative Thoughts
Cognitive restructuring is an evidence-based intervention that involves identifying, evaluating, and modifying maladaptive cognitions, including negat ...
Reactions To Trauma
Traumatic events are shocking and it is normal to feel overwhelmed. Not everybody reacts in the same way though and there is no ‘right’ way to res ...
Scaling - Beliefs About Yourself
Continuum strategies (or ‘scaling’) are a well-known cognitive intervention for re-evaluating absolute appraisals, including core beliefs, dysfunc ...
Self Critical Thought Challenging Record
Disputing thoughts is a critical skill in cognitive therapy. The Self-Critical Thought Challenging Record helps clients to identify and challenge thei ...
Pie Chart - Responsibility
The Pie Chart - Responsibility exercise is designed to guide clients through the process of clarifying and re-evaluating their responsibility for nega ...
Positive Qualities Record
This Positive Qualities Record is a specific type of positive data log designed for working with clients with low self-esteem. It aims to help individ ...
Self-Monitoring Record (Universal)
Developing self-monitoring skills teaches clients to systematically observe and record specific targets such as their own thoughts, body feelings, emo ...
Negative Thoughts - Self-Monitoring Record
Developing self-monitoring skills teaches clients to systematically observe and record specific targets such as their own thoughts, body feelings, emo ...
Prompts For Challenging Negative Thinking (Archived)
NOTE: An improved version of this resource is available here: Prompts For Challenging Negative Thinking. Older versions of a resource may be arch ...
Overcoming Depression (Second Edition): Therapist Guide
Overcoming Depression – A Cognitive Therapy Approach comes in two volumes. This page is for the Therapist Guide. Click on the following link to acce ...
Positive Core Belief Evidence Record
Core beliefs are deep-rooted, global, and absolute judgments about oneself, other people, and the world. According to the cognitive model, activated c ...
Demanding Standards – Living Well With Your Personal Rules
Demanding Standards – Living Well With Your Personal Rules is a guide written for clients who have high or perfectionistic standards which cause th ...
Cognitive Behavioral Model of Perfectionism (Shafran, Egan, Wade, 2010)
People with perfectionism pursue high standards in one or more areas of their life, and base their self-worth on their ability to achieve these standa ...
Self-Criticism - Self-Monitoring Record
Developing self-monitoring skills teaches clients to systematically observe and record specific targets such as their own thoughts, body feelings, emo ...
Am I Experiencing Low Self-Esteem?
Low self-esteem is characterized by holding oneself in low regard. Am I Experiencing Low Self-Esteem? is an indicative screening questionnaire designe ...
Challenging Your Negative Thinking (Archived)
NOTE: An improved version of this resource is available here: Evaluating Unhelpful Automatic Thoughts. Older versions of a resource may be archived in ...
Barriers Abusers Overcome In Order To Abuse
Individuals who have experienced abuse often focus on their own actions (or inactions) and blame themselves for their own abuse. This client informati ...
Identifying negative automatic thoughts and reappraising unhelpful thinking is a core element of cognitive therapy. Teaching clients to recognize the ...
Am I Experiencing Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)?
Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is a condition characterized by preoccupation with perceived flaws or faults in physical appearance that are not notice ...
Cognitive Behavioral Model Of Clinical Perfectionism (Shafran, Cooper, Fairburn, 2002)
People with perfectionism pursue high standards in one or more areas of their life and base their self-worth on their ability to achieve these standar ...
Am I Experiencing Depression?
Depression is a condition characterized by an extended period of low mood, anhedonia, and reduction in activity. Am I Experiencing Depression? is an i ...
Self-Criticism Self-Monitoring Record (Archived)
NOTE: An improved version of this resource is available here: Self-Criticism Self-Monitoring Record. Older versions of a resource may be archived in t ...
Cognitive Behavioral Model Of The Relapse Process (Marlatt & Gordon, 1985)
Marlatt & Gordon’s cognitive behavioral model of relapse (1985) conceptualizes relapse as a “transitional process, a series of events that unf ...
Cognitive Behavioral Model Of Anorexia Nervosa (Fairburn, Cooper, Shafran, 2003)
Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by restriction of energy intake and intense fear of gaining weight. For women, the lifetime preva ...
Cognitive Behavioral Model Of Bulimia Nervosa (Fairburn, Cooper, Shafran, 2003)
Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by binge eating followed by purging. Among young women, the point prevalence of bulimia is about 1 ...
Am I Experiencing Bulimia?
Bulimia (bulimia nervosa) is a condition characterized by recurrent episodes of binge eating, accompanied by repeated inappropriate compensatory behav ...
Links to external resources
Psychology Tools makes every effort to check external links and review their content. However, we are not responsible for the quality or content of external links and cannot guarantee that these links will work all of the time.
Guides and workbooks
- Combating self-criticism
Information Handouts
Low Self-Esteem (Information Handouts)
| Centre For Clinical Interventions
- What Is Low Self-Esteem?
- How Low Self-Esteem Begins
- How Low Self-Esteem Is Maintained
- Acknowledging Your Positives
- Negative Self-Evaluations
- Adjusting Negative Core Beliefs
- Adjusting Rules and Assumptions
- Overcoming Biased Expectations
- Healthy Self-Esteem
- Compassion focused therapy: self-criticism | Paul Gilbert | 2017
Low Self-Esteem (Worksheets)
| Centre For Clinical Interventions
- How Low Self-Esteem Begins
- How Low Self-Esteem Is Maintained
- Positive Qualities Record
- Positive You Journal
- Adjusting Core Beliefs
- Challenging Biased Expectations
- Experimenting with Biased Expectations
- Thought Diary For Negative Self-Evaluations
- Adjusting Rules and Assumptions
- Healthy Self-Esteem